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Message # 8191.

Subject: Hello Re: Re: OOOPS

Date: Fri 23/01/04 11:52:06 GMT

Name: Darret gb

Email: dramwater@hotmail.com


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So tell me Morgan, what is your opinion of the way AOL runs its operation?

Please reply first, then consider this next question...

Do you think the price of bread is much too expensive?

..then post an answer to that, then think about this next question...

What is your viewpoint on the introduction of early Bizantian Chamber music to modern society?

....and of course by now just about everybody in here will be looking forward to your reply.............lol.........


...sorree.....couldn't resist.....lol.....





In reply to Message (8191. Wink Smile Re: OOOPS

By Morgan Miles - info@pleaseteaseme.com us Fri 23/01/04 09:29:14 GMT

Website: http://www.pleaseteaseme.com

Well...accidents happen.

;), Morgan

In reply to Message (8191. Bouncing Re: C! i accidentally did this twice...

By WETINRED - stekz@cableone.net us Fri 23/01/04 05:54:33 GMT

Website: www.wetinred.com

...In hopes of Morgan accidentally replying twice Bouncing
In reply to Message (8191. Tongue Re:WOW,Morgan, Care to reply again???

By WETINRED - stekz@cableone.net us Fri 23/01/04 05:43:47 GMT


...and again, and again??? Tongue
In reply to Message (8191. Hello Re: Where is "here"?

By Morgan Miles - info@pleaseteaseme.com us Fri 23/01/04 05:22:19 GMT

Website: http://www.pleaseteaseme.com

Maybe one of us would be able to help? Before I had a cable connection available in my small town, my best luck was with small, local providers. Staying away from national and worldwide connections kept me from getting "bumped".


You are welcome, by the way. ;)



Hugs, Morgan

In reply to Message (8191. Info Re: Refreshing to read this - I thought it was just me!

By w@mboy - uu Fri 23/01/04 04:27:00 GMT


I use AOL and although I hate it, I can only get 56k access here and AOL is the only one I know of that has unmetered dial-up access and doesn't have a mandatory 2 hour disconnect.  On a service like NTL or Freeserve dial-up you have to reconnect every 2 hours which makes downloading big files a hard task, especially from sites where you can't use a download resumer.


Thanks Morgan by the way :)



In reply to Message (8191.2.1.1) Depressed Refreshing to read this - I thought it was just me!

By Graham (Styx) - graham@styxwetworld.com gb Fri 23/01/04 03:52:47 GMT


It's refreshing to read this. I felt I was running a lone campaign. I might add that AOL allocates new IP addresses at random as their customers surf the web. Our security systems on StyxWW detect this as the customer using multiple subnets and then they get blocked. So we have to frig around with our systems just to satisfy AOL's obscure methods.


If you're from the UK, by the way, every one of your accesses to the web is routed transatlantic (and back again, if the site you're viewing is in the UK). Now you know why it's slow!


I've spent too much time on phone calls to AOL techs (who initially won't speak to you in the UK unless you're an AOL customer), trying to get servers and IPs unblocked. One company I know (in the Florida Home Rental business) is now refusing to take on customers with AOL addresses until they provide an alternative email address.


If you're thinking of being sensible, switching to someone else and deinstalling it ... back up your entire PC first with something like Ghost or Powerquest Drive Image. Almost all attempts at taking it out result in you never starting your Windows system again. Many of my customers get a new PC first and install something else clean.

In reply to Message (8191.2.1) Pictures Re: My 2 Cents

By Morgan Miles - info@pleaseteaseme.com us Fri 23/01/04 03:25:50 GMT

Website: http://www.pleaseteaseme.com

I am all for using the isp of ones choosing and won't critisize your choice even if it isn't one I would make myself. You can't know though if you aren't told and I decided I would give my 2 cents on this issue. I agree 100% here. I figured if one more webmaster jumped in agreement it would help everyone understand AOL is a very bad provider, especially if you want to be a member of a password protected site.


MorganMiles.com has been online for over 3 years and AOL has taken us through about 5 versions in that time. Every problem they fix causes another. I bet most webmasters would agree with me that the majority of hours they spend trouble shooting with a member is not because the member forgot a password or had a setting on the computer messed up, but it is a problem with AOL.


About 2 years ago, AOL had an ip adress that just was not allowed to access MorganMiles.com. No matter who got it, it wouldn't work.  I didn't even think the odds were there but hey, it was AOL. For 6 months, anyone with that IP had to log off the net and get a new IP. I even told my software to override it and exempt it from the system. No go. After hours upon weeks & months of trying to figure out what to do, it turned out it was an AOL routing problem and the AOL technicians had to fix it. There was nothing I could have done. So while I was having a member upset with me because "my site didn't work", in all actuality, I was on the phone describing the situation to help AOL techs troubleshoot THEIR problem.


None of this is the webmasters "job" but they do it because they want you to be able to enjoy the website. If everyone would get off AOL, most of the trouble shooting would be done. Just because they advertise the most, it doesn't make them the best.



Hugs, Morgan

In reply to Message (8191.2) Thumbs Down AOL ...

By Graham (Styx) - graham@styxwetworld.com gb Thu 22/01/04 20:06:28 GMT


A few days ago, AOL managed to block all emails from btinternet and btopenworld. This effectively cuts off around 30% of the UK from speaking to AOL users. I have 3 customers all moving away from AOL now as they cannot rely on getting or sending their emails. They're losing business because of this cr*p company, and I've had to resort to instant messenger systems to be sure of getting communications to these folk.


With my main businesses, we have more trouble with AOL users than with anyone else. Most are incapable of reading any attachments and all (but a few) of them reply to emails without including the preceding conversation

in them. Very helpful to get a single sentence email reply of "yes please, I'd like to go ahead" to an email quote sent 2 months ago!


Do yourself a favour, AOL users, and get a real internet connection .... (gets off soap box, angry, 'cos this really winds me up!) ... Graham

In reply to Message (8191) Hello Wamtec Gold - J Field

By MK - wamtec@compuserve.com us Thu 22/01/04 11:45:11 GMT


Attention J field...you signed up for the wamtec gold membership but then gave us an AOL address with that wonderful spamblocker that bounces my emails to you...so if you want your ID and Password to see all the videoclips...you must turn that silly spamblocker off.


AOLers who use that spamblocker...will be very lonely people.



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