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Message # 5557.

Subject: Hello Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Hollywoods Hottest.

Date: Fri 29/08/03 02:07:03 GMT

Name: MK us

Email: wamtec@compuserve.com


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I agree...Tony's book was a good start when he first published it in 1992...it is a pity he never made a 2nd edition. The last time I heard from Tony was in 1993, when he said he was having problems with his spouse and was forced to get rid of all his wetlook collection cos she did not approve of his hobbies.


You are right...his descriptions were far more detailed than mine have ever been. Thats because I have always had a 50 character limit on the synopsis field in my database...so I cannot describe the scenes in proper detail, as they should be. I wanted to limit my description...so they they would not get too carried away or inflated.


That was my problem with Tony's descriptions -- I personally investigated and checked out every single item he had listed...and I don't know whether it was a language problem with his use of the English language (cos he was from Switzerland), but I found that in at least 70% of the items he listed in his book...they were grossly "over described" and exaggerated in my opinion. I found that he seemed to get a bit carried away with his descriptions...making things sound like they were an awesome scene...when many of them were very lame or below average scenes, and many only lasted less than 5 seconds... not worthy of the glowing descriptions he gave them. Thats the problem with synopsis descriptions...the more you describe the scene, it tends to make an average or lame scene seem like it is an AAA rated classic wet scene...and in most cases, they are not. Therefore a "sober" approach to descriptions is best...i.e. not to get too carried away with enthusiam.



In reply to Message (5557. Info Re: Re: Re: Re: Hollywoods Hottest.

By Anonymous - uu Thu 28/08/03 17:30:57 GMT


Thats interesting, I bought Tony's "Movie Guide" years ago and enjoyed it very much. Ratings are difficult but I could agree with many of them. I also enjoyed the more described scenes. For "newbees" He did not just write "girl in dress in bath tube" - He wrote like: "Girl wearing pink dress with corsage top is pulled into bath tube by her lover after a long talk. She submerges completly including hair. After short angryness she seemed to enjoy the situation".


It's a pity he never made a second edition. I think he disapeared due to a private situation. Angry



In reply to Message (5557.2.1.1) Hello Re: Re: Re: Hollywoods Hottest.

By MK - wamtec@compuserve.com us Thu 28/08/03 06:06:44 GMT


I had not heard of that site before....but that is basically what "The Bare Facts Video guide" has listed ever since they published their 1st edition back in the late 1980s...i.e. it lists every movie with known scenes of titilation..and then identifies at what time counter/minute there is a nude scene taking place...and they also list numerous wet t shirt and see thru wet scenes too.


To have a WAM counterpart is a MAJOR undertaking of mammoth proportions. While I have all the data that is needed to compile such a book, I have never listed the scenes in great detail (only in very brief bullet points) and have not specified other things like at what point or time in the movie the said scene occurs. Whats more, as I never set out to be a librarian nor an author nor a literary perfectionist...thats not my interest...I have only been interested in collecting scenes and producing scenes. So..I have never paid much attention to things such as spelling mistakes (there are numerous typos in my database) nor have I worried too much about total accuracy in such things as the precise date a movie or tv show was released (the dates I quote are mostly right....but in some cases they are guesswork). Whats more, if you want total data integrity for a book project, there are all kinds of debatable issues...such as...what is the true "origin" or country a film was made in. I have tended to be subjective in my data inputs....but many might disagree...i.e. I don't classify Bond films as American films..even though they are pure Hollywood productions..I always classified those as British, cos they are largely based out of Pinewood Studios in the UK. There are numerous debatable issues regarding any such data for a book project...


and then...there is the number one "can of worms" that both Tony Keller and Rob Blaine attempted to do with their data lists...and I have always declined to do...i.e. a "rating system" to define what are average clips, above average clips, excellent scenes, and hall of fame classic clips. I have always refused to classify what is good, bad, great, poor, classic or so so...cos this is a very subjective matter. The Bare Facts Movie guide does apply 5 star ratings to each of their book entries...to help the viewer decide what are the best scenes...but I do not feel we could apply ratings of one star to five stars on any wam clips listed...cos my experience has always been...one man's treasure is another man's garbage...and vice versa.


As you can see...this would be a major undertaking...to take the data I have, and to correct all the typos and massage it into a presentable book format....at least 6-12 months worth of re-editing work I would guess. Take a look at any of Leonard Maltin's books...and note how many assistant editors and co-editors he has helping him with his data...he has at least 20 participating editors helping him make his book...so this is mammoth task for one person to undertake. Like I said..I gave all my data to Rob Blaine in 1995...and he had not managed to find time to complete the project in the 5 years he had all my data.


This is one reason that the data just stays online in text format...is cos I do not have the time to clean it up and re-format it myself...and I don't think anybody else has 6 months to spare to do this either.



In reply to Message (5557.2.1) Note Re: Re: Hollywoods Hottest.

By AnthonyX - anthonyx@jowc.net ca Thu 28/08/03 05:07:10 GMT


Ever heard of "Mr. Skin"? Found the site a while back... it's an on-line cross-reference of actresses and movies/tv-shows focusing on who got naked and on what show. It even lists descriptions of "interesting" scenes and at what point in the show they occur. I think that paying members can even download clips.


The URL is http://www.mrskin.com


To get an idea of what it's all about, try looking up "Sharon Stone" and/or "Basic Instinct".


Would be pretty cool to have a WAM/wetlook counterpart... I'd be willing to build the working parts of such a site.

In reply to Message (5557.2) Hello Re: Hollywoods Hottest.

By MK - wamtec@compuserve.com us Thu 28/08/03 03:01:07 GMT

Website: http://www.entertainment-reviews.com/The_Bare_Facts_Video_Guide_1998_0962547484.html

Thanks for the mention -- it has taken me 13 years of compiling data on wet & messy scenes in movies, to the point where the database is today...i.e. currently listing over 24,000 wet & messy scenes.


FYI, the history of the wamtec database on tv and movie scenes was largely born in the late 1980's...thanks to a video guide book called "The Bare Facts Movie & Video Guide". Back in the 1980's all we had as resource materials on movies were Leonard Maltin's guidebooks (in the USA) and Leslie Halliwell's excellent books in the UK....but there was no useful data that could help us identify which movies had wet scenes in them or not. The first useful guide book that clearly identified wet scenes in films was "The Bare Facts Movie Guide"...when it first came out in the late 1980's




It is still coming out with new editions. This guidebook was quite helpful cos it clearly mentions wet t shirt scenes and wet dress and see thru scenes in various films...so those authors were the first ones to publish a book that was helpful to wetlook movie scene fans.


Based on the idea that this book had, I took things a stage further and started writing down all the scenes I had and could think of. Another person who should be credited should be Tony Keller from Switzerland, cos he published a wetlook tv guidebook in 1991, listing some 1500 entries. Tony and I worked together to try and expand on his data and my data. Rob Blaine of Messy Fun also started to created a database of 1000 tv and movie wet & messy scenes too. I have since added more than 15,000 entries myself. Sadly, Tony disappeared off the wetlook scene in 1992 (his wife did not approve of this project) and Rob Blaine passed away of a heart attack in October 2000, so I am more or less continuing the legacy of all these folks by continuing to build on the data from Bare Facts Movie Guide, Tony's data, Rob's data and my own data.


FYI...Rob once had an idea to assemble all this data into a printed book format, and was going to publish a book just like Bare Facts Movie Guide...i.e. a book called "The Wet & Messy Movie and TV Guide"...but we never had the time to finish that project before Rob died. I was going to provide all my data (over 15,000 entries) to Rob, and he was going to use his desktop publishing skills to publish it...but that was not to be.


However, the offer I made Rob back in 1995 is still open to anybody who wants to take on this project...if anybody out there has the time and energy and desktop publishing skills, and wishes to publish a book on this subject...I will provide the wamtec database information to that person so they can publish the book version.


As it stands today...the data I have is merely a simple text file and very hard to wade thru so much data in this format, and there is no real search engine (you just have to use the CTRL F key to look for what you want).,...but it would be nice to have a hardcopy printed book on all known wet & messy tv scenes some day.




In reply to Message (5557) Hello Hollywoods Hottest.

By Hawk - uu Thu 28/08/03 01:33:15 GMT

Website: http://hollywoodshottest.net/

They're running ads on TV for these tapes, showing nude scenes or love scenes of various actresses.  I saw it and I thought, Golly, that's interesting, they're only about ten years, five thousand tapes, and one one huge searchable database behind MK and WAMTEC.  Makes you realize what a resource WAMTEC really is.

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