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Message # 75490.1.1

Subject: Pictures Reply to Silas - and more pics

Date: Mon 10/12/18 12:47:58 GMT

Name: jollywetfellow sx



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Thanks for that suggestion, Silas.    It's not that simple, though, mate, and I don't think I can add much to what I've already written.    There's no single 'silver bullet' that finds lots of wet ladies.   I do lots of different things, working largely by whim, hunch, random idea and gut feeling - lets face it, if I was just doing the same thing over and over again, I would have got bored and stopped bothering however good the resulting wetlook; its the fun of the chase as much as anything which motivates me.


For example, I might think that the caption in the second link below: "En playa colorada con mis hnos en Cristo" looks promising, so lets make it more general by taking out "colorada" then do a search with that phrase to see if it throws up other similar sets of pictures.    After that, well I happen to know from looking at lots of these that "hnos" is short for "hermanos" which is a male word, so maybe try again substituting the female equivalent "hnas".     Or maybe generalise it further by also removing "en Cristo".    Or maybe "En playa colorada" on its own might work, if that's a place where wetlook is common.    Then if I find anything that looks promising (not necessarily a picture which itself contains wetlook, it might be, say, a picture of a group having a picnic on the beach which includes fully clothed women who 'look the sort' to go into the water fully clothed afterwards) I'll search through that user's pics, not just for wetlook on that particular beach trip, but for other wetlook 'events' too.    [I should say that I've not tried any of the specific suggestions above, for fear of getting myself blocked again; its just an example of the sort of thought process I would go through].


But you can only get so far by using caption searches.    Very many of the pics which I find have no caption at all, and most of those which do are just something vague like [the Spanish or Portuguese equivalents of] "enjoying nature" or "what a nice place" or "thanks be to God for this bounteous beauty".     And word searches are made more difficult by the Spanish-speakers' chronic habit of changing the spelling of words - abbreviations like the 'hnos' above are rife, as well as adding extra letters, usually vowels, often to denote excitement ("piscinaaaa" is a good one - any number of extra 'a's from 1 to 20! - then you've got the alternative spellings "picina" and "pisina", I've also seen "psna" and other variants), then you've got the extra "-ito" or "-ita" endings on words to indicate a small size and/or affection.     Which gives you lots of things to try, but......


So I probably spend more of my time just looking for other likely-looking people associated with a wet woman whom I have already found.     If I have found a pic of a group of people, all getting wet together, and the poster has named ('tagged') the others (either in the wet pic itself, or in another pic taken on the same outing), then try clicking on each of the other people to see if they have other wet pics in their own collections.    Or maybe some other woman has made a comment on a pic of the poster getting wet, in a way which suggests that she too would like to have been there getting wet - so click on the name of the commenter and see whether she has pics of her own wet experiences.    


Or the most obvious way, just looking through the 'friends' of a woman who likes getting wet to find others who look likely to do the same.     You can see each friend's 'profile' pic in the list of friends, and if you hover your mouse over that you can see the 'cover' pic as well, and taking the two together (plus sometimes her summary self-description in words) I find that I can get a pretty good idea of whether a 'friend' is the 'sort' to get wet in her clothes.    But, as I've said before, what I'm looking for when I do that I can't really say.


And you will appreciate that there is a lot of trial and error involved.    Very often I will click on a 'friend'; click on her 'Photos'; and find only a handful of pics there and none of them wet; so its straight back to the previous lady to try another of her friends, and that's only maybe 20 seconds wasted.    Which used to be fine, but now hopping quickly between people who are not my own 'friends' gets me blocked, so I keep having to find something else to do for a while to spin out the time and avoid going too quickly.     Of course, the other side of the coin is also that sometimes the 'friend' has lots and lots of pics and none of them wet, so you also have to enjoy scrolling through pics of dry latina women - which is mostly fine by me, though if she has just had a new baby or got married I give up pretty quickly!


But in truth all this is just self-indulgence for now.     I DON'T NEED TO DO ANY MORE SEARCHES FOR A VERY LONG TIME TO KEEP YOU LOT SUPPLIED WITH PICS.    I've just done a rough count, and I now have well over a thousand names written down, of South American people I have already found whose Facebook pages include pics of women in wet clothes, but I have not yet posted.     


All I need to do now is find the correct person of that name again (not always easy, since there are usually several of the same name, and I need to recognise the right one - or sometimes I can't read my own writing and type it in wrong initially and find none at all!), then choose the most appropriate wet pics, and copy and paste the urls.      The pleasant part of that is when there are lots and lots to choose from, and choosing the 'best', trying to make them as varied as possible (I look for variety in clothes, age, body shape, type of location, scenario and pose).    The unpleasant part is deciding which ones have to be avoided because they include too-prominent kids as well as the wet women, so are likely to lead to howls of rage from the paedo-pedants - and, more genuinely important in my view, if the woman herself looks young, checking for evidence of her age.    This is where the baby and wedding pics come in, since very few of them actually give specific info on dates, etc, in their profiles, but it is surprising how many of the women whom I think "look a bit young" turn out to have got married or had a baby, or both, several years before!    


So it is just for my own entertainment that I keep looking for more and more - and then getting myself blocked so that I can't post the ones I have already found!    By all means do your own searches, though you may well be going over the same ground I have already covered, but that is not the problem.    The problem is my motivation to do the grind (sometimes) of preparing them for posting, whilst keeping within Forum rules.    Just to prove it, here's another batch which I have run up quickly this morning (being unblocked at the moment) from amongst the very many I've already found but not posted.





































In reply to Message (75490.1) Pulsing To lighten the load, pls provide tutorial

By Silas - uu Sun 09/12/18 21:35:22 GMT



To lighten the load for you, please provide a quick tutorial on how you are finding these pictures. I speak decent spanish and can figure out the context of sentences, so I can probably find photos... I've read every one of your posts, but I can't quite figure out how you are doing it - looking up "chapuzon" and "vamos al rio" only comes up with so many photos.

I'll do a search every week or so and post results - if I don't get banned from Facebook that is, ha ha. Hopefully other forum users can do the same, so it's not just one guy doing all the work and getting Facebook banned every 5 minutes.

In reply to Message (75490) Pictures More wet ladies from the jungle

By jollywetfellow - sx Sun 09/12/18 20:06:40 GMT


Well, I seem to have completed my third Facebook 'block' in quick succession - the third one was 48 hours rather than just 24, and was triggered after a very small number of searches spread over quite a long period, so I've obviously been a very bad boy.    I'm taking no chances for a while, so here's a set of links which are new to the Forum, but I prepared a while ago and haven't rechecked - hope they're good anyway:






























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