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Message # 93215.

Subject: Confused SWAMP???

Date: Wed 01/02/23 12:23:31 GMT

Name: NCgreg231 gy



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remind me what "swamp" stands for again?
In reply to Message (93215. Dancing Re:SQUISHY!

By Squishy Plushie - SquishyPlushie137@yahoo.com ex Wed 01/02/23 03:04:01 GMT

Website: http://pub34.bravenet.com/forum/static/show.php?usernum=2840968934&frmid=10561&msgid=0

This is why I always ask people to post their need on my forum (whether it be the current Janet and Julia one or the old SWAMP or Wandanet ones). That way, I can get to know what they want. (We cannot yet directly experience other people's qualia or sensations, we have all had different paths through life). By default, if they don't tell me, I can only supply content (such as stories or pool parties) which pleases people similar to me. (I have, by definition, direct experience of my own qualia and sensations). It is known that many people really love getting wet in their clothes (this is elaborated somewhere on JJF) including of course those who model for wetlook. (If they didn't enjoy it they would refuse to do it). And theme parks wouldn't expensively build wet rides if people didn't enjoy getting wet... Etc. It is in the nature of a loving individual to try to share that love (often evangelically) whit everybody, not just those who need it (or can use it) cf the "farmer sowing seeds in a field, some falling on rocks etc". It is in the nature of creativity to build ahead solutions for possibly future problems, anticipating needs of those who are not mainstream customers. It is a well-known attribute of social media that its users don't provide feedback to let content providers steer their output to please their users better. Anyway, for those who read them, two new stories: "Alice's Restaurant" and "Tale of the Sea Maid" are now complete (click the URL above). Always fill your day with wonderful things :) Regards, Squishy :)
In reply to Message (93215. None Re:SQUISHY!

By Malvineous - mrnemesis@ntlworld.com gb Tue 31/01/23 21:01:48 GMT


There is a disappointing human tendency to push solutions suitable for one’s own life as being solutions suitable for another person, no matter how different their requirements are. It saves all the bother of needing to understand the other person and how they think, and what the real solution is. Some people just invent a new problem and solve that instead, and don’t understand why it accomplished nothing.


It’s good that you are content, of course.

In reply to Message (93215. Talking Re:SQUISHY!

By Squishy Plushie - SquishyPlushie137@yahoo.com ex Tue 31/01/23 01:56:18 GMT

Website: http://pub34.bravenet.com/forum/static/show.php?usernum=2840968934&frmid=10561&msgid=0

Ah, now I think I remember why I cancelled that pool party. It wasn't you fault at all. It was a protest about an event that happened after the Stockwell Murder (when the Police murdered an innocent civilian with a gun at point blank range on a train at Stockwell Station). The victim's name was Charles Menezes. I felt unsafe as a result. Obviously, because I lived walking distance from there, in Norwood (South London). The triggering incident was very similar, and involved an air rifle, but I don't remember exactly (the subconscious dis-universes distressing events) but the only connection with you was another of your hobbies which, at your request, I shall avoid mentioning. Sor don't worry about it :) This situation can no longer affect me because I would practically never enter the London area again as I moved to the midlands many years ago when I retired. Stay wet, feel wonderful, and be happy :) Always fill your day with wonderful things :) More details only on request :) Best before date on end of packet :) Regards, Squishy :)
In reply to Message (93215. Dancing Re:SQUISHY!

By Squishy Plushie - SquishyPlushie137@yahoo.com ex Tue 31/01/23 00:30:17 GMT

Website: http://pub34.bravenet.com/forum/static/show.php?usernum=2840968934&frmid=10561&msgid=0

Hi again Malvineous :) Sorry I don't remember doing that, and I no longer have the emails we exchanged (they were on another machine). I haven't yet read the link you provided (this hardware web terminal (JVC LT32C3210) can't open multiple apps or tabs) but I do have some sort of Asperger's attributes, and both introvert (focusing on detail and OCD) and extrovert (playfulness in social situations and longing to belong) traits, so that may "explain a thing or two" (misquoting Emilie's "Shalott"). WAM does have some sort of "deep structure" (pardon the pun, lol) inasmuch as it is largely about tactile sensations, the feel of the wet clothes against your skin focusing the attention (and therefore essentially a tantric experience), the playfulness and novelty of suddenly being thrown in the deep end with no towel or change of clothes, the thrill of a cold shower bringing your awareness into the moment (or making you scream your head off, lol), the excitement of swimming in clothing never intended for swimming in (such as a fur coat) and the general spontaneity and unexpectedness in any of these experiences invoking joy and wonderment. Oh, and wetlook (the viewing of other people undergoing these experiences) too. "Craving an authentic and sincere connection with ONE PERSON" doesn't sound like me anymore (though it certainly does as a teenager when I was quite lonely and uncertain) or I wouldn't be running pool parties or mobile discos or going to Tescos in a pink wig :) Special person? I used to have romantic longings too, deep painful ones, until I realised "the kingdom ... is within you". To misquote Ru Paul, "how can you love others if you don't love yourself?" One is one's own special person :) There are "sporty girls" and "limerent girls" and "special girls" (who are simultaneously "sporty" and "limerent"). Sporty girls you want to play with (or throw in the deep end fully clothed) and limerent girls you want to start a home with (or marry). They are largely all projections of our own needs or longings onto the external world. There are also "real girls" who are people, just like us. Always fill your day with wonderful things. Regards, Squishy :)
In reply to Message (93215. Hello Re:SQUISHY!

By Malvineous - mrnemesis@ntlworld.com gb Mon 30/01/23 23:34:03 GMT


Yes, I remember the name Numlawd now. At the time, you told me that you cancelled the pool party because I leaked knowledge of it publicly outside of the wetlook community.


We don’t think alike, and activities that satisfy you, don’t satisfy me. The huge popularity of DnD is a testament to the extent to which people in my general region of mindset derive pleasure from structured and highly detail-orientated play and like-minded interaction. Wetlook is an unstructured activity that is difficult for me to process, as it has no objectives in of itself.


It’s rare that I read anything that actually hits home with me, but entry 6 here was one of those few examples:




Introverts “crave an authentic and sincere connection with ONE PERSON at a time”. People who enjoy group socialising don’t understand this. Group socialising is a painful exercise in pecking order, in fighting for attention and relevance.


However, while getting wet with this special person, you also need something else to form the active engagement. That could just be conversation of course, but with a more stringent quality requirement than average.


Getting wet alone is a fairly empty experience.

In reply to Message (93215. Dancing Re:SQUISHY!

By Squishy Plushie - SquishyPlushie137@yahoo.com ex Mon 30/01/23 23:10:02 GMT

Website: http://pub34.bravenet.com/forum/static/show.php?usernum=2840968934&frmid=10561&msgid=0

Yes it was me (Squish/Numlawd/Wandanet/MarianneTwanet) who organised the London pool parties (1999 and 2001) at Wavelengths in Deptford (round the corner from where I used to work in Lewisham Way) and swam in the wonderful wedding dress. We had the wave machine and the water slides (flumes) too. Everybody who attended (6 to the first, 8 to the second) agreed that it was wonderful! We could wear anything we liked that was clean and safe to swim in (except shoes and jeans with metal rivets). Nobody got mickey-taken or karenised, though the lifeguards did get a bit confused by me in the wedding dress :) The pool management were happy for me to have another party, but due to the small number of people committing to attend (people are too embarassed to live out their fantasies, or everyone in the country would be a tantric guru!) I had to stop running the pool parties. That's life... Kundalini basically is 0rg@smic energy, which in Tantra can be experienced without 3j@cu1@t10n thus avoiding the loss of vitamin B12 and the resultant post-coital tiredness (see "The Gospel Of Janet And Julia" in the Off-Topic forum). It's very wonderful :) And no, you don't need a woman as such, a plushie (cuddly toy) and some mental role-playing (brain $ex) is almost as effective (Youtube has many videos on Solo Sacred $ex) so hav fun and a wonderful time! :) Relax, don't be so obsessed about finding a compatible woman, and enjoy life! Play, splash around in the river in cosplay, wear a dress in the sea (or at least a kaftan, which feels like a dress, though it's atually an Eastern male garment), and unify your female essence (Shakti or Anima) into your male one (Shiva or Animus). And no you didn't upset me about the London pool party, I was just surprised that so many people would refuse to have fun! No problem, it was their loss. Maybe they were afraid to open their "souls" in front of other like-minded wammers? Anyway, always fill your day with wonderful things, regards, Squishy :)
In reply to Message (93215. Hello Re:SQUISHY!

By Malvineous - mrnemesis@ntlworld.com gb Mon 30/01/23 20:47:40 GMT


See, I read all this “kundalini” stuff and run away … It’s all too weird for me. I’m looking for statistical models, myself, but there is simply inadequate data. Everything I seek seems to have a very low probability, and the combined probability of all those individual probabilities is essentially zero. The only solution is to identify which factors have to be scrapped to raise the odds, and all aesthetic and fetish-related expectations would have to be shed. Granted, this assumes all independent probabilities, and finding someone of the required mindset might bring other factors in with it.


I deduced that we must have corresponded years ago, but I could not recall to mind who exactly you were. I have this vague recollection of you but that is all. I remember Martina by name (some German lass); she vanished one day. There was some bloke who I upset in relation a London pool party (which I don’t think I would ever have really had the courage to attend), but I don’t recall if that was you or someone else.


In total I have written two short stories to date, neither of which is still available, thankfully. I am not anticipating writing another. The only fairly complete plot I have in my head relates exclusively to finding an au naturel woman, not wetlook, but it still has massive holes in it, and there is no means by which I could explain why here. It’s virtually impossible to formulate any alternative narrative for my own life that is remotely plausible. I could write stories that have no bearing on my own life, although my real interest is in reality: real stories of real events, and gaining from this—albeit glacially—an understanding of what is possible.

In reply to Message (93215. Dancing Re:SQUISHY!

By Squishy Plushie - SquishyPlushie137@yahoo.com ex Mon 30/01/23 04:06:21 GMT

Website: http://pub34.bravenet.com/forum/static/show.php?usernum=2840968934&frmid=10561&msgid=0

Hi, Malvineous :) Sorry about mentioning one of your hobbies, its just that I remember we communicated about it via email many years ago. Regarding stories, writing them can often be as thrilling as directly experiencing the content within (for example writing my new story "Tale of the Sea Maid" resulted in a wonderful session of Tantric with a certain female friend). So I'm sure that reading them can have a similar effect, fantasising invokes the usual serotonin, dopamine, and oxytocin, which are usually the resultants from watching wam videos or photos. Although there aren't any obvious GG's (genuine girls) on JJF yet, hopefully this may change if it gets popular. There are also helpful hints and ideas like the one about swimming being a helpful stimulus (it is also a fun way of awakening kundalini and thus invoking those three hormones/neuotransmitters). Also, please try to have fun, the worldwide community seems to have forgotten how to do this durin the extended covid lockdowns. Playing is an essential human need, it keeps life wonderful. And many man have "feminine" needs just as many women have "masculine" needs, life shoud not be taken too seriously, which is why I always now go to Tesco's / Aldi in drag (kaftan + long wig + hippie beads + a plushie on my belt + sandals). Women often remark positively about this, though occasionally the odd Darren says "Are you Jesus" (to which I reply "No I'm Tantric buddhist" lol). We all have LGBTQ+ tendencies, so enjoy them don't repress them! Yay :) Always fill your day with wonderful things!
In reply to Message (93215. None Re:SQUISHY!

By Malvineous - mrnemesis@ntlworld.com gb Mon 30/01/23 00:19:41 GMT


The question is: what would I be attempting to achieve?


It’s going to be another male-only environment, and I don’t need another one of those.


I have no stories to tell (no romantic experiences either dry or wet), and I see no reason why my questions would get any more answers there than they do anywhere else. I have nothing to offer anyone, not men anyway. If I had any relevance as a person, then people would respond here in the first place.


You clearly know more about me than you ought to, but you’ve forgotten that I deliberately don’t discuss hobbies here, and why that is the case. (Not that it would help if I did.) Consequently, no forum anywhere would ever work because there cannot be any place that I could be open about wetlook with women while simultaneously also being open about myself as a person.


Quite honestly, the material on the forum is not something I’m comfortable with. It’s not to say that I’m not fucked up myself, but I don’t go into my past with anyone. I have too many demons to exorcise, and the forum goes completely the wrong way for me.


So far as I can tell, there is nothing that I could ever hope to achieve here, there or anywhere.

In reply to Message (93215. Hello Re:SQUISHY!

By Squishy Plushie - SquishyPlushie137@yahoo.com ex Sat 28/01/23 18:16:45 GMT

Website: http://pub34.bravenet.com/forum/static/show.php?usernum=2840968934&frmid=10561&msgid=0

NCgreg -- Thank you for the plug :) :)    Malvineous -- WASSA MATTER? It explicitly says it was originally for stories about the WAM loving lesbian couple Janet Plushie and Julia Squishkins, but there is also now a non-fiction area (thanks NCgreg) for your own experiences of enjoying getting wet in clothes (which I call phatdipping or clothed swimming) of course you can also post experiences of other people getting wet in clothes (aka wetlook) though personally I find that personally getting wet in clothes (usually in drag) more thrilling, as there is the sensory as well as the visual stimuli, getting closer to the tantric ideal. There's even a geek (offtopic) area, such as anything dry like doctor who or CPU design. And, hey, two new stories: "Taking over me" (J&J) and "I jumped in the river again" (real-life). Please drop a response telling me what you don't like and what you want more of. Two wammy games coming "soon": one based on Unreal Engine (Janet and Julia's Playground) and one on Sprites (Telenym). Regards, Squishy :) :) By the way, how's cyvos getting along? (just being friendly)
In reply to Message (93215. None Re:SQUISHY!

By Malvineous - mrnemesis@ntlworld.com gb Sat 28/01/23 11:54:14 GMT


I’ve looked around it … Suffice it to say for here, it’s quite the opposite direction to where I would aim to be heading.
In reply to Message (93215.1.1.1) Read This SQUISHY!

By NCgreg231 - gy Sat 28/01/23 11:45:59 GMT

Website: http://pub34.bravenet.com/forum/static/show.php?usernum=2840968934&frmid=10565&cmd=show

i shall probably continue to post reminders until i get perma-banned here too?  I'm trying to get EVERYONE to chat over at Squishy's forum, because despite all the positive things i can say about THIS forum, the ONE complaint that i have, is that older posts will never pop back up to keep the discussion active!


No joke, i just now went back to archive page #0, post #1, OVER 20 YEARS AGO!


I am ALMOST daring enough to copy and paste discussion over to Squishy's forum, but i suppose i'm not that desparate, but like i said - if i am too busy to check back for a day, or a week, or a month, then those older conversations are pretty much dead.  But on other discussion forums (like Squishy's or UMD) if you post a reply, that will bring that subject back to the top of the list of postings, even if the discussion is YEARS old!


Mal - i haven't given up on you... did you check out Squishy's forum yet?


In reply to Message (93215.1.1) Hello Re:FAO Poliut

By Malvineous - mrnemesis@ntlworld.com gb Thu 26/01/23 22:57:44 GMT


Interesting notion of “read the room” — I can’t say that I tend to find myself in a room (or equivalent space) where people just happen to be getting wet!


Perhaps a way to explain the differing aspects:


Getting wet fully clothed can be a simple act of rebellion against an upbringing where it was not allowed.


Getting wet fully clothed can be a sense of freedom. Getting soaked in the rain without a care. No coat, no umbrella, just accepting the world as it is without a need to defend yourself against it. There can be great joy in choosing acceptance over struggle. Playing in a pool even when you had no plans or expectation to do so — taking the opportunity for fun instead of turning it down. (Even when you have no change of clothes.)


There is of course also the sexual stimulation side of it.


“Reading the room” implies a level of mental partitioning (segregated and contextual stimulus response) that is in a sense the exact opposite of fetishism, as fetishes seem to be a kind of non-contextual stimulus response.

In reply to Message (93215.1) None Re:FAO Poliut

By Poliut - us Thu 26/01/23 22:26:28 GMT


If you were to say it there I would have to create an account there in order to reply.


"It is interesting to me if your wetlook interests began at 18?"

That's around the age when I started to know what it specifically was - anything earlier would involve some long-forgotten stimulus that I probably would have thought little of at the time. I was around 19-20 when I started posting here. I could probably search for any exact date on a first post here, but... that's probably a bit more effort than I'd like to spend on something that's rather trivial. I don't remember how exactly I made my way here, or even how I stumbled across my first wetlook site, which would have had me coming here trying to learn more. Gone from forum baby to somewhat old man here. LOL


"I mean, i'm curious to hear you describe something that is 'unrelated and dissociative, and yet connected and related somehow'"

It's all wetlook, but some of it's people just having innocent fun and some of it's trying to turn someone on. I'm guessing a lot of people who jump through a sprinkler on a hot afternoon - or see others doing so - aren't going to associate that with sexual connotations (unless it's kinda obvious with certain behaviors). Wetlook can also be both modest and immodest. Modest because you're not naked (in many cases well covered up), but also immodest because the thoughts and visuals that it can leave us with (assuming all those clothes stay on). It's also a good idea to read the room and know which is which.

In reply to Message (93215) Read This FAO Poliut

By NCgreg231 - gy Thu 26/01/23 20:54:22 GMT

Website: http://pub34.bravenet.com/forum/static/show.php?usernum=2840968934&frmid=10565&cmd=show

I don't want to take away from Siren's story page, but discussion doesn't flow too well there.  I'd love to discuss this on UMD's forum, but it would seem i am perma-banned there for "wrong-think" which i find ironic that an american would be so anti-science (i shall probably never let that one be? Unless i am allowed to discuss WAM on that forum again?) Forgive me in advance if my replies are far and few between, i seem to stay pretty busy these days!


And then, "squishy-plushie" has set up a new bravenet forum, but very few people seem to be using it so far?


And so, to comment on some of your posting from Siren's story page!


It is interesting to me if your wetlook interests began at 18?  I can recall being interested in ANY wetlook scene in movies and TV from an early age!


I really hope you can expand on your comments of:

<One observation I will make about wetlook is that it's all these different things that can sometimes seem (or feel) unrelated and dissociative, and yet all connected and related somehow. It can be this fun and innocent thing, while also being erotic and taboo. It can be playful and it can be *playful*. It also helps to read the room to know which is on display.>


I mean, i'm curious to hear you describe something that is "unrelated and dissociative, and yet connected and related somehow" (if that's not too difficult to put into words?)  Or a concrete example of something both playful AND * playful *(???)


<I don't know if I'll start writing again, though some have suggested I do, both related and unrelated to this. It's been like, a decade since I've done it, and I have a few half-baked ideas floating around, though some may be best left as half-baked so they don't meet a forgotten fate on the cutting room floor.>


I am a firm believer to have passion for what you are doing... i would discourage you from writing if its not bursting within you to get out and onto paper (or typed into a computer??) I have a mostly low grade time-traveling storyline that is slowly beginning to take shape & form...

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