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Message # 85106

Subject: None Two wet girls

Date: Mon 24/05/21 10:36:30 GMT

Name: Panayiotis Constantinides gr

Email: panos81c@otenet.gr


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This is a scene that happened yesterday at Kavouri beach in Vouliagmeni, a suburb in southern Athens.


We had gone there for a stroll in the afternoon, around 5 pm, not that many people around. At the end of the beach, there are a few rocks and a paved pedestrian-only road on top.

Here is the link to Google Street View to give you an idea of what the place looks like: https://www.google.gr/maps/@37.8171538,23.7665183,2a,70.7y,356.53h,76.52t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1ssseXwJYJYBYcxO7XPH1ysQ!2e0!7i13312!8i6656?hl=en


There where two girls sitting on the rock, both aged between 20 and 25. One was wearing grey trousers that reached to just above her ankles, a white long-sleeved button-down shirt with the sleeves rolled up to just below her elbows, worn over her trousers, white running shoes and sunglasses. She had dark hair, tied up.

The other girl was wearing a patterned beige and black blazer, a black button-down shirt tucked into her light brown trousers, and sandals. She also had long dark hair.

In the sea in front of them was a young man, also in his early to mid twenties, who had sat on the seabed so only his shoulders and head were out of the water. I saw that he was clothed, wearing a white short-sleeved polo shirt and beige bermuda shorts. I stayed there for a few minutes just in case any of the girls went in, but as nothing happened, I left to continue my walk afterwards.


On the way back though, when I passed that place, only the girl in the blazer was sitting on the rocks, but there were two handbags next to her. I looked out to the sea and spotted the young man and the other girl with him, some distance from the shore. The girl still had her sunglasses on but, because she was some distance away, I could not tell if she had any of her clothes on as well. However, I thought that if she had taken them off, she would probably leave them on the rocks where the other girl was sitting. Judging from the young man who was clothed in the water before, it appears that none of the three people had come prepared to swim and none of them had a swimsuit.


A few minutes later, the couple swam closer to the rocks and indeed the girl had kept all her clothes (shirt and trousers) and her shoes on, and the boy was still fully clothed. The other girl, in the blazer, stood up and started taking photos of them with a mobile phone. I noticed, when she stood up, that she had removed her sandals and her light brown trousers were wet to just below her knees.


After taking a few photos, the man came out of the water and the girl in the blazer went down into the water, this time the water reaching to just over her knees. The other girl, in the white shirt and grey trousers, also stood up. It appeared that she was wearing a pink bra under her shirt, which had become transparent. Now, the man took photos of the two girls. As they were taking different poses, the girl in the blazer got her trousers wet further up to her thighs, and she also got some water splashed to the lower parts of her blazer (not that she seemed bothered anyway).


When the two girls finished having their photos taken by the young man (which I understood was the boyfriend of the girl in white), the man went back to where they had their things and put the mobile phone in one of the girl's handbags, then he took off his polo shirt and squeezed it to remove excess water, then he sat on the rocks next to their things. The girls stayed partially in the water, walking around with the water reaching gradually up to their waists. They were talking to each other, but I could not understand what they were saying as I was about 10 metres away. Then, the girl in the blazer suddenly immersed herself in the water until it reached her breast for a moment, then stood up again and laughed at the other girl. They then both started wading into deeper water, the girl in the blazer still wearing everything apart from her sandals. When the water reached their breasts, they started swimming around.


I cannot recall watching a girl in a blazer in the sea again. I can remember a young lady in businesswear at the Trafalgar Square fountains some years ago, but never before in the sea. The two girls were swimming for about 20 minutes, the one in the blazer also submerging herself underwater a few times, getting her hair wet too. At the end, they came to shallower water near the rocks again and sat down on the seabed, standing up there the water reached their thighs, but when they sat down it reached just below their shoulders again.


I had to go as I live over an hour's drive from there, and could not stay longer to watch them until they came out of the water, so this is as far as I saw. It was an interesting scene anyway.

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