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Message # 88121.2.2

Subject: None Re:Do all people have the idea to try to jump in clothed?

Date: Mon 04/04/22 15:51:34 GMT

Name: Wetlooker2 se



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I would say people who go be wet in front of a camera for TV maybe like it, they got some good memories about it,

they will not forgot it at all. But I dont think people got attached to it like we are going to be.


Like Im 10 years old and going at a swim lesson and one of the boys in the class are asked to swim with clothes

IF he have something to use for it....I feels like that sounds fun, I wish i can do and wish I can ask if its okey I can jump in clothed.

4 years later I do it.....and got accepted at school but sometimes other of the students asked why I always jump in clothed.


....I like  it!

One girl jump in from the board, land on water and she sat on the water with pants full of air who make her floating.

I like to see it, other people like it to.


Maybe some teacher would ask me to do something about it, do a schoolwork about it and ask other people in class to try with me.



I think most people like to be wet at parties or at the beach when the weather is really hot.

And they maybe do it again...

Rainstorms are a popular way to be wet....unplanned....and many of us have try it,

only time your parents going crazy on you for wet clothes.....:)


Yes even I think its choice of clothes really matter, some people maybe like to use a green tshirt.

Or like a white tshirt...black tight jeans what will be very dark.

I miss my black shirt/sweater...not heavy at all to swim with, perfect to use in the lake.

In reply to Message (88121.2) Hello Re:Do all people have the idea to try to jump in clothed?

By Malvineous - mrnemesis@ntlworld.com gb Mon 04/04/22 13:02:14 GMT


A question that I have had for ages: how does filming water scenes affect people? The amount of recurring wetlook models suggests that at least a certain percentage of society finds it sufficiently acceptable to keep doing it for money, and in most cases they seem to enjoy it. (Although Erik Elsas’s model Szilvia has done at least four sets, she was not a strong swimmer and didn’t seem to enjoy it.)


However, what about all the actors and actresses who film wet scenes for television shows, commercials and films — do any of them find it sufficiently intriguing to want to get wet fully clothed later on?


Lots of people get wet clothed at parties — do any of them decide to repeat the experience later?


I have no idea what the percentages would be for people who hate it, dislike it, are indifferent to it, find it fun, and find it sexually stimulating.



I tend to be disappointed at the general lack of curiosity that I find in people. I have no idea how many people ponder about swimming clothed, and of those, how many try it. Some certainly do, as there are YouTube videos and other written accounts of people trying it for the first time.


How about people who get caught in a rainstorm? Or people who fall out of a boat?


Even the choice of clothes matters. Smart shirts, for example, are so smooth when wet, but long-sleeve shirts are also too constraining, as they cling to you and impede movement. Loose-fitting clothes are more practical. For the curious mind, that becomes a long list of things to try out!

In reply to Message (88121) Info Do all people have the idea to try to jump in clothed?

By Wetlooker2 - se Mon 04/04/22 10:52:39 GMT


Some people like to take a swim, or take a bath and you know how that works?

They take the swimsuit on, maybe some clothes over, go to the beach, take the clothes off and jump in....

You go to the indoor pool and change your clothes.....etc....


But when you swim around in the lake alone you start thinking....how wil it feel to jump in with my shirt?

Sometime is always the first time....and we do it...and we love it...and we got stuck with it....

But some people do it just one time and put it behind them.....



I dont know, maybe some of us do it from very young ages when our parents let us jump in clothed and we was to young to react to it.

Parent dont care about it....but when that type pf people grow up they would never feel something over it....

"I try it when I was 5 years old, I know how it feels but now I only use bikini......."



My first bath with clothes would be in a little plastic bathtub, I use some type of pants who keep you warm in the cold weather.

They be like a ballon,cant let the air go out....and I love it....my mom hate my ideas.....I was around 4-5.


When i be around 10 and can jump on the bike to go to beach on my own, i jump in with tshirt and let it dry in sun.

Sometimes let my shoes be wet and hope my mom not know it...one spring I walk over some fields what make me muddy.

A good reason to put the shoes under water......



Later i was at indoor pool, think its time for a burger, take a tshirt on to warm me up, but after that lunch

I dont leave the tshirt in the locker...I jumping in with it......and find out the lifeguards dont care.....

I go to the indoor pool another time, I think I put on my trunks, jeans and tshirt and go to town and pool.

Walking in to the mens room and take shoes and socks off and entering pool area without a shower.....jumping in....

I really love to take my swimming clothes on at home and when I entering mens room its just to take shoes off etc and jump in.

Sometimes I take a shower first.



Now Im 37 and still love it, wish I was more active with it but maybe 3-4 years ago I spend a summer at the lake

and swim often with a longsleeve black shirt, not much heavy, more like a tshirt, now I grow out of that one but it was a nice swimming-shirt.

And to that I use swimmingtrunks and leggings, or maybe longjohns in cotton, even try some other leggings what was a little more thicker.

The polyester leggings looks very nice when wet...you know the wetlook-look.....Can still use them when I go home...they only feels wet.

No one can see them are wet.



But its not all people who got the idea to jump in with clothes...they have the golden rule....and maybe they dont care if other people do it.....

They only use the thing what are made of polyester....but we take another step and we really need to try to soak our clothes.

Bathtub, shower, public pool. Beach....or maybe a walk in the rain....Or maybe soak the clothes in the sauna.


I have been fully clothed in the sauna at indoor pool, what I learn? Clothes let the warm air stay away but clothes will be wet from inside :D


I have very much free time and be on my own latest 17 years and that make me start thinking more and more about wetlook things.....

But its great, have some dreams, find ideas and start thinking how it was for me.

And how I had the self-confidence to swim fully clothed at indoor pool even if it was full of people there.

And no one care.......I only meet friends to my family one time and I never hear my mom tell me they say I swim with my shirt on.....

They would not care.....like my mom.


But just about....sometimes need to be the first time...and what happend after that?

Hpw was that for you?  

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